Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Highlights

So this was a really great weekend full of busy family stuff which I totally soak up into my memory so I can pull out moments whenever I want to!! It started out on Friday I picked up Nolan from my moms and brought him to our house! The girls were so excited and Sammy that poor little Nolan was overstimulated lol! I put him in one of Sammy's old swings that the girls cleaned for me and Sammy crawled right over to it so excited and started tickling Nolan very cute. Then the girls wanted to push him which I had to explain that this is not like the swings outside. So we then decided once Nolan woke up from a little nap to go outside to feed him. Jordan wanted everyone in the neighborhood to come out and see her cousin but none of her little friends were home. So she made a little sign (this was her idea and she wrote the whole thing herself) it read as follows:
My cosin is here His nam is Nolan if you wnt to com and see Him!!
She wanted to post it all over (she made four different ones that all said the same) I told her we could not do that so she asked if she could go door to door to let everyone know that he was here I again answered no. Her last restort to let people know was to tape the sign to first her bike and then her shirt so when anyone walked by she would stand chest out for people to read! She is tooo cute. Once Nathan got home I took Nolan to my sisters house to start relaxing and having just Zia and Nolan time WRONG!! He fell asleep in the car and slept until 2 in the morning once my sister was already home (he slept through getting out of the carrier, a diaper and clothing change too) but it was relaxing and I had lots of smiles from him in the morning! WORTH IT!!
On Saturday we went to my good friends son Johnny's graduation party which was fun to see Ms Priscilla a highlite for the girls and us too! She is great and if you know her she loves to get into your personal space lol!! We then went to my cousin Johnny's gard party up in Ortonville and it was a blast to hang with the Tagliavia side of the family and we stayed for a really fun bonfire!!
Today was just as fun going to my Great Grandmothers 90th birthday party and we had to take lots of Five generation picture thanks to my grandma who is way tooo camera happy! So it is 9pm and both girls are asleep Sammy is next! I love weekends like this!!

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