Thursday, September 27, 2007

Three Sick Kids

I feel like I have gotten into the routine of having three kids that is until they all got sick!! First Jordan almost 2 weeks ago got a high fever that lasted a week then Sammy got Croup and then Mariana was last to follow. Then Jordan's fever returned!! I am on my fourth day off and Tomorrow will be my fiffth!! If I still worked at the Doctors office I would have been fired but I am blessed to have a job that understands that Family is first and foremost!! I have not slept it feels like in almost a week becuase I am either woken up by the baby or Mariana who is now having nightmeres! She has never seen anything scary so it is not that type nightmere it is here screaming at the top of her lungs "I WANT TO HOLD SAMMY"!!! or "GIVE THAT BACK DORDAN"!!! It is the funniest and the scariest thing to wake up to at 3 in the morning LOL! It is at these times that I wish I was a stay at home mom becuase then I would not have the guilt that I do for staying home with my sick kids (I know I should not have the guilt so please do not tell me so because I know). I have to say (you would know if you read my blog like from a month ago) I have never wanted to be a stay at home mom becuase I could never do it but lately I have been thinking what it would be like to be with my kids all day!!!! HMMMMM.....So here is some space for all of you that want to scream TOLD YA SO at me LOL

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I am an Awe...........

I was just online checking my emails when I saw one that said Have to watch by my friend Nanci so I clicked on it and saw get the kleenex box ready! The link was to God Tube and I am in Awe. The video was of a concert by Lifehouse that did a skit called Everything. It started with a girl who found Christ and just the feeling that comes as a new follower and then how the things of the world slowly come back and pull you away until Christ is in the back of the line and you are being pulled into drinking, drugs, money, love etc. I seriously cried watching this like a baby. It just reminds me that no matter what God is always there just waiting for me to continue to come back to him. The things of the world pull me down and empty me out but Christ always grabs my hand and takes on the battle for me! I am in complete Awe of the love that Christ has for me and am reminded that I am to daily put him above all else! Thank you Nanci for sending me that email Nathan and I were in tears. It was a great reminder for us both to live for him daily!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It is Time....

Finally we are moving! I am so excited that these past couple of days have seemed to drag on and on. I just wish that there was magic button to push that would pack all of our things. Right now I should be packing and instead I am typing this Blog. I feel kinda (just kinda LOL) bad because Nathan is at the house right now unloading another load of boxes! This is just such a blessing for us that it does not seem real. I know some of you are probably thinking okay okay get over it already but I can't. I have been praying for a house for us to live in nothing to big just a place that we could call home and God has given this to us and I am so grateful.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Okay so maybe I am a little slow but working full time has finally caught up to me!! I am so tired!! I had a little break down about an hour ago my poor husband! I literally cried about everything from dishes to laundry to how crazy my job is! I totally love my job but there are 5-6 babies in my class everyday now and I am feeling overwhelmed! My assistant in my class will be leaving soon and I am unsure of the one that has been hired to help and if you work or have worked with me in my class I am very ANAL!! I just am overwhelmed with packing and all that goes with moving. Please if you think about it Pray for me and please share with me your break down moments so I do not feel so alone in this LOL!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Today was the BIG Day!!

Well today was Jordan's big day!! We woke up this morning and I made Breakfast (okay I just poured the cereal but still it requires being awake!) for Jordan and Mariana and then began our morning of getting ready for Kindergarten. We took some pictures here at home and then more at my moms house! Jordan wanted Sammy to come to her new school but Mariana stayed at my moms. So we walked the same walk that I walked 20 years ago!! We lined up in the Gym with all the other Kindergarteners and their parents. Then in walked Jordan's teacher who I must I already love! She introduced herself to Jordan and us and then the tears started! Now you are probably thinking mine but no they were Jordans and I mean not only tears but SOBS! This is not like Jordan though she is shy at first she has never reacted this way. So I had to hold back my tears to show her that this was a good thing. We then made our long walk to her little classroom and found her name at the Green table! It took us 5 minutes to get her calmed down enough to wirte her name on her paper and then make her way to the carpet to listen to the story. Then the minute the teacher said that soon we will say goodbye to your parents she ran over to us and the SOBS started agian! I held it together but in my head all I could think was I am a horrible mother I need to take her back home with me and homeschool her!!! LOL!!! But once it was time for the parents to leave the teacher took Jordan's hand and I pried off her other from mine we left. She was fine but then I lost it!! I cried the whole walk back to my moms house hoping that she would do okay. Then (because the 1st day is only a half-day) 2 1/2 hours later made my way back with my mom, Sammy and Mariana in tow to pick Jordan up. When she came out to greet us she was so happy and had so much to tell us about her day! I made it, she made it and my mom made it LOL!! WHEW I feel like I deserve an award or something!