Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things I can not stand

I am in one of those moods.
1. People who have little cliques that are for certain people only and then blogging that anyone else is not in it WHAT are we in high school???
2. SNOW!!!! I wish to move but I hate snakes and spiders and fire ants and lizards and alligators and well I guess I am saying that I would love to stay in MI but without the snow!
3. People who LIE!!! That should actually be number one.
4.People who tell me that I should not have my child outside in this cold weather since he has been sick so much! He was in so much clothing to keep him warm that I probably got him sick again for sweating outside!
5.People who think that since Nathan and I got married young and have our share of problems that we will not make it! Wake up people we have made it ten years through some pretty rough stuff and we are serious about our vows to God and eachother!
6.Just because we have missed church the last couple of months due to illnesses does not mean all of a sudden we are lost souls.
7.Just because we used to live in a trailor park does not mean we know nothing about having a home ( Lisabeth you know who that is a shout out to LOL)!!
8.People who JUDGE but then I have to be careful because I tend to JUDGE those that JUDGE HMMM!!!
9.Doing housework especially unloading the dishwasher!! I love grocery shopping so if anyone wants to trade jobs let me know.
10.Kwame Kilpatrick. Obama (sorry those that are his supporters). Prejudice people (prejudice of all kinds). Germs.
Anyways now that I have that off my chest I feel a little better. I could probably list a ton more but a certain baby needs to be nursed!!

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