Monday, February 20, 2012

We are all alike

While watching Jordan at Karate today (Traditional Karate in New Baltimore if you are interested my baby bro is the sensei) I was talking with a mom..Ok so I wasnt watching Jordan I was socializing but after working on fixing a mistake at work that took me 7 hours I needed some adult interaction :). I realized that we are all alike...Moms I mean. I have all this guilt all the time about if I am ruining my kids, My life is my kids life (back and forth to school, homework, after school activities and so on and so on), being a working mom, not reading to my kids enough I could go on and on. Some days I want to pull the covers over my head and sleep the day away but then I feel guilty for feeling that way. As a mom when you complain people always put their two sense in they say "It will go by quickly enjoy it now", "Do you know how lucky you are", "why did you have so many then" and this is my favorite "You shouldn't do so much then it really is your fault". In my head I am smaking them (yes I did just say that) but on the outside I am smiling. Then of course you have the moms who do everything bake all day, take their kids and their kids friends to activities, work, have playdates and all while doing laundry, running errands and bringing meals to people. I feel like so often as moms we feel like we cant voice what we are going through becuase we will feel like others will think we are failing. I realized today that is not true. After talking with this mom we both felt so much better she even said "I feel bad saying this because other moms would judge me". Why cant we all just allow each other to open up and not judge each other we judge ourselves enough right? not sure if this makes sense to other moms out there but it felt good to write it out :)


Rachel Krueger said...

It's SO true, Mariana! I told my mother-in-law and sister-in-law (when I got sick of the battle of the stay-at-home-mom vs. the working mom)... It really does not matter how we choose to parent our children (bottle feed vs breastfeed, cry it out vs not, etc, etc, etc) as long as our children are happy and healthy it does not matter what route we take to get there. All parents struggle. Stay in the Word and fixed on God and your family will make it through. <3

Shannon said...

OH my! I know what you feel. I to have felt like a failure when it comes to raising my kids. I was home so long then I had no choice to work, I felt guilty leaving my baby at day care and working, not being home when they came home, letting my oldest grow up to fast because I needed her home to watch her brother/sister because there just wasn't enough money for afterschool care. I did my best and by 9pm I was so worn out that I even told my kids my brain isn't functioning anymore and I honestly don't know what to say to do or help. Yes it goes by quickly and there are days I want that feeling back. It's ok to have MOM time too. Stick to a schedule and do MOM time and it will make you feel better. You are a normal mom feeling the way you feel and you are not alone!!

PS- I still miss those kids. :)

wsuenault said...

I guess the guilt never goes away honey. I am a great grandmother ane there are days I look back and can find so many things I did wrong, but guess what my children and grandchildren show me so much love. I am so proud you are living a God filled life!