Sunday, December 23, 2007

Update on Life

Well lots has happened so I thought I would update all that care!!! This past week was supposed to be my last full time week as the lead infant teacher but of course what happened my kids were sick!! Jordan and Mariana had sinus infections Jordan had pink eye and Sam had Bronchitis (SP?) Then I woke up on Wed to Sam and Mariana having Pink Eye!!! So all that to say I went in on Friday being my last day as the lead infant teacher! I am now Part time and I have two weeks off!!
So if you want to get together with me for coffee or a playdate call me because I will be free!! I am very excited to be able to have a break from the hustle and bustle of working full time! I found out that all my health problems are from nothing other than Sleep Deprivation!! I get anywhere from 1 hour to 5 hours a night so hopefully that will change!
Oh and Praise God this Christmas will be very relaxing! We only have two places to go to on Christmas Eve and then to Church at 9 pm and then only 1 thats right 1 place on Christmas Day! That has never ever happened in my lifetime!! We are so excite to be able to just relax and enjoy our children. We are very excited because this year the girls really understand what is happening and this is Sam's First Christmas!
So Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!

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