I was up watching the Democratic National Conference hopefully like everyone else out there. This election process has left me drained and unsure. I remember my first time voting when I had just graduated High School I was so excited to be taking part in it. I was taught that I could not complain about where our country was going if I did not take part in the decisions. I fully believe that even now. Then I voted for Al Gore and I was so disappointed that Bush won. The next year I voted for Bush once I knew more about politics and the issues at hand. I truly believe that he was the right candidate for the moment and I know that there are MANY people out there that completely disagree with me and that's why America is so great we are all entitled to our own opinion and views. I am completely lost at who to vote for come November. I know my values and beliefs and I know that the majority of those are the views of a Republican but I do not think that it is John McCain. I am really tired of him responding to every question and/or concern with the same response that we have to remember that he was a prisoner of war. I have compassion for him on that but please can you answer the question at hand. I am unsure of Barack Obama because he is new to all of this but man what a change he could bring to our Country. If he was elected our country would be making history and I think how amazing to tell my grand kids I remember that year when things changed.
I watched the WHOLE convention on CNN and it was for the most part very boring not at all like I remember past conventions. I did enjoy Michelle Obama's speech and at first I joked like oh because Barack had a single mom I will vote for him or because he "has" the same values as me (as she said he does so he must right?) I will vote for him but at the end I had this feeling that she will be the next first lady. It is that feeling like when you first meet someone and you know that they are involved in something big or that something big is going to happen to them. I just have this feeling that this Country is ready for a change and the change is going to be Barack Obama.
I still do not know what to do..Do I go against my beliefs or do I just vote independent? I am not asking for you to tell me what to do but how are you feeling? Are you confident with the Republican Candidate? I am having a hard time trusting any political figure right now! I guess all I can do is pray pray pray for our Country that no matter who is elected that God protect our Country and keep it on his path the way that it was founded way before we were even here!
I always get a lot of flack for leaning to the left, especially around other Christians. My intent is to vote for Obama. Even when I look at the big issues (like abortion), I realize that even George Bush is against that, and people still have them all the time, so I'm not sure just because a candidate says they agree with me morally that much is going happen because of those moral questions.
And I hope no one responds to me on this but Mariana. I'm not in to debating with people I don't know.
I'm a "leaner to the righter". I absolutely disagree with a Democrats views on our country and what we "need". We do need a change. Either candidate will offer that.
If you really want to know how to vote, ask a soldier who is active or has been active in Iraq. The choice for the majority of them is pretty clear and I hear they're making sure to get their vote in.
But...no matter what I think or you think, God has the big picture in mind. He will place the right man in office whether or not us humans think it's the right thing.
I am with you. I am completely lost as to who to vote for. I have always voted conservative, but this time I don't see John McCain as someone I can support. I do think we need a change, but I am afraid of the unknown when it comes to Obama. I am just sure I can trust him. I keep saying this will be the first time I do not vote, but I really hope I can get behind someone by November.
I am waiting for McCain's vp choice that will tell me alot (I hope), because right now I do not know what to do. I am glad to know that I am not the only on who is unhappy with both choices
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