Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I wish I had and alter ego to blame things on........

I have this job interview tomorrow morning well actually this morning in a couple of hours. I can not sleep it does not help that I have coffee (very strong coffee) around 8pm and it is just now hitting me. I am very nervous and I know that this is normal but it also upsets me. why you ask?? Because I have given this to God I know by now that if this is his plan all the small little details will work themselves out and that is how we have chosen to live our life. But it upsets me that although I know this and always give it over to him that I still worry about it. Why?? Why can't I just give it over and that is it? Am I not really giving it over to him or is this normal? I really want this job for many reasons (and yes I am going to list them because I like lists!)
2. Adult interaction
3. it is in an office which I know is weird I LOVE
4. because if I did not get a job during the day than I would have to get one at night and on weekends which would take away from family time
I feel that these are all good reasons and I did not list them in any particular order before you start judging that I put money before my family. That in fact is the most important! Our marriage really struggled when I worked two jobs one being at night and on weekends and holidays and I do not want that. So in my mind God of course wants our marriage and family to be good (even great) so than this job should be the right one right?? Why do I try to figure him out because this job may not be the one and so maybe something else will come my way. Are you confused? Good because now you are on the same page as me!

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