Well I know that this may surprise you all but the holidays are not my favorite! Since my faith started deepening I began to see the meaning behind "the holidays" but still it is hard. I am stressed around this time I always have been my whole life ask my mom LOL! I get stressed about going to fiffty million parties and having no time to myself, putting on a smile like all is well to people that I see once a year and forget my name (I am not mad because I forget theirs). Now that I have kids it involves packing them extra clothes,diapers,food,PJs,toys,and anything else that they sneak into the car only to drag them around from house to house half alseep to open more and more gifts. I know that I should feel blessed that we have family to visit but 6 houses that is a lot! I am trying this year to realize the true meaning of the holidays and be thankful for God's Son be born. This year I am putting my foot down and only going to 5 houses this year and believe me that is a huge step because I am a people pleeeeezer and for me to say no to that one person is going to cause DRAMA!!
Oh and by the way I know that everyone is different when it comes to Santa but we tell our girls that Santa is fun to talk about and read about like it is to read and talk about Cinderella but that Mommy and Daddy are the ones who bring presents! We still go see Santa and take the pictures but the girls know the truth (This is our way don't hate if you don't agree) Well we have not run into any problems with this until TODAY! Jordan told her WHOLE class and teacher that Santa is not real!!! LOL!!! What do I do now!!!
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