I am so thankful for so many things and this might be my longest blog yet!!!
1.) I am thankful for God that he gave his Son for my sins~ When I think of that I am in awe for me the one who really did all those things in the past and things I do in the present he forgives and forgives and extends grace to me every single day! I love that God meets me right where I am everyday and without him I would have nothing much love!!!!
2.) For my husband and marriage I can not believe that it will be 10 years together! God has truly blessed us and changed us. For those that do not know this time last year I was pregnant and we were seperated (one of the hardest months of my life)! God has truly healed our marriage we are a walking testimony of what having Christ in the center of your marriage does. We are not perfect and never claim to be and it is work everyday but I wake up loving my husband everyday with all of my heart Love you babe!!
3.) My children I am so thankful for I love my babies!!! I can not believe that my first baby is having her 6th Thanksgiving while my little baby is having his first!!! God has used my kids to change and heal me as well. Jordan he used to change my life, Mariana he used to bring me to my knees when she was a 3 pound baby in the NICU, and Sammy he has used to bring Nathan and I to what a marriage should be.
4.) I am thankful for my big HUGE Italian (scott,dutch,english,german,french thats the other side) Family!! Love them all when I say we are a close family it is true I mean cousins second cousins aunts uncles and greats all of us are so close and the love that we have for eachother is amazing!! My Nana and Papa are the worlds greatest grandparents on the face of this earth and I am entirely grateful that my children get to experience their love. My sister is pregnant and I am so thankful that I am going to be an Aunt! My brothers and doing great and maturing before my eyes which is crazy! My little sister is graduating!! WHAT that is crazy!! I remember playing hide and seek and saying go hide I will come find you and you waiting for a really loonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg time for Nikkie and I to come find you!! My mom and stepdad are the best parents and grandparents ever! My dad I finally have a great relationship with PRaise GOd!!
5.)I am thankful for my friend this is the first time in my life that I have the relationships that I do! Some Shout outs
Lisabeth-what do I say God has placed you in my life and I so thankful for it!! I love that we have gone through this journey together. Are kids are totally getting married!!
Jenny- although you will not read this I can not believe that I have found someone so much like me I swear we seperated at birth LOL!!
Julie,Amy and Becca-Crazy that our little ones are all having their first holidays already! Love you guys and I am so thankful that God placed you all in my life.
Colleen-Love you girl so much!!!
There really are so many other women that God has placed in my life that if I named them all it would take forever!!All of these women have been my lifelines when I need prayer or just an ear to vent to! I have never experienced love like this and it is only my God that I have
6.) Finally my home I am thankful for. I am amazed at how God ochestrated the whole thing but We feel truly blessed that he has given us this wonderful home to create memories in and fill with his love and blessings!!
I am so thankful for so many other things and as I look back and read what I have written how awesome that everything has God in it all!!!!!
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