Friday, July 4, 2008

The Cathers are done with Fireworks

Nathan has always love the 4th him and all his buddies would buy as many fireworks as possible and have a huge get together and blow stuff up! Nathan and Chucky (who died two years ago) were the ones who loved it the most! This year we were excited to have a home and light some off at our house this time. So we invtied some neighbors and their kids who also invited some friends. We had 6 little girls, Sammy and 5 adults and it all started out fun. Sparklers were the hit for the girls and then Nathan started the BIG ones. Finally the last one called Cake and we were all excited. The first one went off and the colors were great then...........the box flipped and they started flying all over the place at garbage cans and cars across the street. I wish that was the worst but next one flew at Sammy and I and hit my leg really hard I ran and it blew up then one flew into the driveway and blew up feet from the adults that ran into the garage and then one went past the girls who were all on the porch and the last two past Sammy and I who were taking cover on the side of the house and blew up in my neighbors back yard. After I knew it was safe I went back to the front of the house to check on everyone else full of apologies. No on was hurt except for me. I have a huge welt on my leg that is throbbing and will probably be a nice bruise but I feel so lucky that we are all okay. It was scary I am trying my hardest to not think of the "what if's" because so many horrible things could have happened. Nathan and I have decided we are happy with just watching from afar from no on! So I hope that everyone else had a safe and fun 4th! And Praise God that we are all okay

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