For those of you that do not know I have been praying very hard about a new job that could accomadate the hours that I need! PRAISE GOD! I have found a new job well I should say that God dropped this job into my lap literally. I will start from the beginning........
A couple of weeks ago God was placing on my heart to look elsewhere for work and I kept thinking that no job is going to hire me 3 days a week for 5 hours a day and pay me what I want. So I started applying for night and weekend jobs but everynight I would cry thinking I am going to miss all this family time that we have every night and miss out on the weekends with my husband that we just got back(after years of Belle Tire and Nathan working every Saturday). So I felt really selfish knowing that I need to provide for our family too financially and that if it had to be at night then I needed to do it but kept praying for something else!
Well on Sunday my dear friend called me saying that she was offered this job but already has one and they said to let them know if she knew anyone. So she prayed and my name kept coming up so she called me and this is too good to be true. I will be working MWF just three to four hours each day for more than I am making now. Then in the summer I will work just six hours bring my kids and make double what I was making a couple of months ago WHAT!!! I will be cleaning their house and grocery shopping (which seriuosly I love doing) and prepping their meals how awesome is this! I am so excited that God knew what was on my heart and kept reminded me that worrying is getting me no where.
So for all of you that I work with now at Handprints I put my notice in today so I will miss all of you and I have so many great memories working there that it will be sad to leave but I feel that God has closed one door and opened another for me!!
Oh and please disregaurd spelling errors I agree with Becca this blog needs spell check becuz I am bad!!